Call: “Service contract to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical or administrative nature and develop recommendations”
Other partners: Kantar Public, European Health Management Association (EHMA), Fundacion Fisabio, ifok GmbH, European Academy of Paediatrics.
Role of EUREGHA: Facilitating participation and connections with Regional and Local Health Authorities
This service contract with European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and DG SANTE of the European Commission aims to identify administrative obstacles to vaccination in the European Union (EU), assess how these obstacles impact vaccination coverage rates, and highlight promising practices to overcome them.
There are six core tasks, taking place from July 2022 until April 2025. The main opportunities for participation from Health Authorities will come during Tasks 3, 4 and 5, and the consortium will work with Health Authorities to facilitate their participation at each stage based on their available capacity.
1. Carry out a mapping of vaccination services in all EU Member States to identify obstacles to vaccination of physical, practical and administrative nature.
2. Conduct a large-scale survey of EU citizens and health professionals in all EU Member States to determine to what extent these obstacles have a negative impact on vaccination coverage rates.
3. Identify best practices developed by EU Member States to overcome these obstacles.
4. Organise onsite visits to the EU Member States from which best practices have been identified.
5. Pilot best practices in volunteering EU Member States.
6. Develop final recommendations for overcoming obstacles to vaccination.