Funding programme: Culture&Health

Call: CREA-CULT-2024-PLAT: European Platforms for Promotion of Emerging Artists

Project coordinator: Culture Action Europe Brussels

Other partners: 
European Regional and Local Health Authorities ASBL Brussels, Belgium
Arts For Health Austria Vienna, Austria
Pôle Culture & Santé en Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux, France
Kompetenscentrum för kultur och hälsa Stockholm, Sweden 
Cavan County Council for Cavan Monaghan Arts and Health Ireland   
HumaQ Wiesbaden, Germany in cooperation with Healing Culture Network

Turku University of Applied Sciences Finland 
Cluj Cultural Centre Romania
Drustvo Associacija Slovenia
Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Latvia    
RED NOSES International Vienna,  Austria
Associazione Culturale Oltre.APS Bologna, Italy
ARC Research & Consultancy, Arts Council Malta, Malta
Kunstloc Brabant Tilburg, Netherlands

Role of EUREGHA: Support on Communication and promotion

Total budget: 3,500,000

EUREGHA budget: 50.000

Starting Date: November 24          Duration: 48 months

Culture and Health Platform

Over the next 4 years, the platform will:

  • Support and promote emerging European artists working at the intersection of culture, health,   care, and social sectors, enabling mobility and international visibility.
  • Develop capacities and build networks for these artists to foster collaboration and innovation.
  • Showcase their work to highlight the transformative potential of arts in health and well-being.
  • Enhance participation in cultural activities, improving access and engagement for vulnerable and marginalized communities.
  • Raise awareness about the impact of arts and culture through: Online sessions & webinars open to all; Large-scale events & conferences in 4 countries.

Our Contribution

EUREGHA will be supporting on the communications and promotion of the project and engagement with the network’s regional and local health authorities.