The first day of September marks a change in the EUREGHA Secretariat: Robbin Kappelhof joined us as our new Communications and Project Officer.

She will manage EUREGHA’s social media platforms, support the promotion and organization of events, and handle communications on EUREGHA’s overall activities as well as specific projects such as IN-4-AHA (H2020) and BOOST. Robbin is also responsible for writing and disseminating bi-weekly info flashes and periodical newsletters to our members.

Before starting at EUREGHA, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in European Studies at Maastricht University and coordinated donor communications and general outreach for Human Rights Watch’s office in Amsterdam. Furthermore, she holds a double master’s degree in Public Policy and Human Development from the United Nations University (UNU-MERIT) and Maastricht University, and spearheaded efforts to encourage students to vote in the 2019 EP elections by bringing students and MEPs together for debate and discussion.

Robbin feels passionate about accessible and efficient healthcare systems that truly work to the benefit of all those involved, through effective communication and collaboration. She is dedicated to raising awareness about and contributing to sustainable, workable solutions that may help solve not only current, but also future challenges involving EU public health and social care.