This High-Level Conference, hosted by the European Committee of the Regions and jointly organised by EUREGHA – European Regional and Local Health Authorities and the WHO Regions for Health Network, will put the spotlight on moving beyond the current crisis towards strengthened, more resilient and future-proof health and care systems in Europe, focusing on the role of regions and taking into account the EU direction towards the European Health Union project.
The event will first feature a series of scene-setting high-level keynote speeches. Following the opening, the discussion will then dive into three main topics at the heart of EUREGHA’s and the WHO Regions for Health Network work and that are central to build back better health and care systems: value-based healthcare, digital transformation, and cross-border cooperation in health.
For value-based healthcare, the panel discussion will focus on how the shift to the value-based approach can be key in ensuring better use of scarce resources in healthcare and delivering better care to patients, and how regions are looking at this theme. The second session will look at how regions can contribute and make the most out of health systems’ digital transformation, covering in particular the EU European Health Data Space initiative and the WHO regional digital health action plan. Finally, we will look at the cross-border cooperation dimension in light of the COVID-19 experience: what did we learn, where do we stand and what should be prioritised going forward to build better connected health and care systems beyond borders.
The conference will be finally followed by a networking reception where participants will be also able to discover a mini-exhibition of regional profiles and best practices from EUREGHA and WHO Regions for Health Network members.
The conference is organised in the framework of the activities by EUREGHA and the WHO Regions for Health Network to celebrate, respectively, their 10th and 30th anniversaries. The event will also set the scene for potential future collaboration between EUREGHA and the WHO Regions for Health Network, opening the ground for more future joint activities.
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Secure your physical or virtual spot by clicking on the following button! We are looking forward to meeting you and proudly celebrating our 10th Anniversary!