On 27 February, Valentina Polylas, director of EUREGHA, participated in a 1-day Conference on “Innovation in Health”, organized by the Government of Navarra. This event was held in the framework of “the permanent meeting forum”, a platform dedicated to the Smart Specialization Strategy of Navarra that aims to share information with its users on various collaborative initiatives at EU level. The conference was promoted by the Delegation of the Government of Navara in Brussels, as a part of Navarra’s European Action Plan.

The General Director of the External Action of the Government of Navarra, Mikel Irujo, presented the opportunities for health financing in the next EU programming period of 2021-2027. Valentina Polylas participated in the panel debate and discussed how to ensure the sustainability of public healthcare systems. She explained how investing in innovative health policy-making and border-regions can contribute to the overall level of healthcare innovation. Valentina Polylas furthermore discussed how an exchange of best practices, participating in EU-funded projects and collaboration with other health stakeholders are useful tools for EUREGHA to ensure better health in all regions. Anett Ruszanov, from ERRIN network (European Regions Research and Innovation Network), focused on the EIP- AHA – European Association for Innovation in Active and Healthy Aging, one of the 7 flagship initiatives within the framework of the EU 2020 Strategy, which aims to allow citizens live longer, independently in good health by increasing the average number of years of healthy life by two. As a “Reference Region” of the EU, Navarra is very advanced in its active aging strategies. Reference sites are inspiring ecosystems that offer creative and viable solutions that improve the lives and health of older people and the entire community. The day was completed by Marisol Fragoso, Director of Management of Navarrabiomed-Miguel Servet Foundation; Jorge Molina, director of European relations of the Aditech Foundation; and Sara Torres, of the Strategic Projects Service of the S3, who highlighted the instruments to support research and innovation in health

EUREGHA was delighted to learn more about the vibrant ecosystem of healthcare in Navarra and to understand the region’s vision on S3 Platforms and the use of structural funds. We hope to further cooperate in the future with Navarra to ensure together “Health in all Regions”.

Please find a link to the press release issued be Navarra government here.