Latest Past Events

CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing – Meeting on “Big data and the health sector: the way forward”

European Committee of the Regions Batiment Jacques Delors, Belliardstraat 99-101, Bruxelles

The next meeting of the European Committee of the Regions' Interregional Group on Health and Well-being will take place on 5 July at 8h00-9h00 at the European Committee of the Regions building, room JDE 60. The topic of the meeting is“Big data and the health sector: the way forward”Agenda8.00 Welcome and introduction by the Chair, Birgitta SacrédeusManagement of […]

CoR Interrigional Group on Health and Wellbeing – Meeting on “Precision Medicine, HTA and Future European Scenarios”

European Committee of the Regions Batiment Jacques Delors, Belliardstraat 99-101, Bruxelles

The next meeting of the Committee of the Regions Interregional Group on Health & Well-being will take place on Thursday 17 May at 8h00-9h00 at the Committee of the Regions building, room JDE 52, with the theme “Precision Medicine, HTA and Future European Scenarios”

CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing – Meeting on Primary care

European Committee of the Regions Batiment Jacques Delors, Belliardstraat 99-101, Bruxelles

The next meeting of the European Committee of the Regions' Interregional Group on Health and Well-being will take place on 23 March at 8h00-9h00 at the European Committee of the Regions building, room JDE 52. The topic of the meeting is“The future of Primary care in Europe”Agenda8.00 Welcome and introduction by the Chair, Birgitta Sacrédeus The future of […]