SUNFRAIL kick-off in Luxembourg

As a partner and leader of the work package on dissemination, EUREGHA attended the kick-off meeting of the SUNFRAIL project on 27-28 May.The SUNFRAIL project aims at improving the identification, prevention and management of frailty and care of multimorbidity in community dwelling persons of loco-regional settings of EU countries.This will be achieved through the development […]

Register now: SUNFRAIL Transnational Workshop

On 22 March, the first SUNFRAIL Transnational Workshop will take place in Bologna, Italy. The full-day event will gather all project partners as well as a number of external experts to immerse into the topics of frailty and multimorbidity in the older population.During the morning session, the state-of-the-art of the SUNFRAIL project will be presented, […]

Register now: RegHealth-RI Final Conference

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels 29 Avenue des Gaulois, Brussels, Belgium

The RegHealth-RI Final Conference is expected to be an exciting event where the most remarkable findings, results and conclusions of RegHealth-RI project will be presented to a wide audience formed by stakeholders from several fields, sectors, and EU regions/countries.The conference will also be an open forum promoting the discussion of participants with the main aim […]