EUREGHA, EuroHealthNet, the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions gladly invite you to the following workshop, organized in light of the European Week of Regions and Cities:
Thursday 15 October 2020,9:30-11:00
The COVID-19 outbreak is showing us the need to invest in health promotion, reinforcing our health systems preparedness, responsiveness and resilience, ensuring cross-border cooperation across Europe. Solidarity and equity are key to face this major world health crisis. Cohesion policy as one of the main instruments to achieve the EU treaty objective of economic, social, and territorial cohesion, offers regions and cities the opportunity to allocate resources for the health and social care systems of tomorrow.
Moderated by Nick Batey, Chair of the European Regional Health Authorities (EUREGHA).
Speakers include:
Normunds Popens – Deputy Director-General, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission.
Andrzej Ryś – Director for Health Systems and Products, DG for Health and Food Safety, European Commission, Belgium
Birgitta Sacrédeus, Chair of the CoR Interregional Group on Health and Wellbeing, Committee of the Regions, Belgium.
Caroline Costongs, Director, EuroHealthNet, Belgium.